July 13, 2014

By The Numbers: BC vs Saskatchewan



Yards rushing for Andrew Harris on 18 carries, with 232 combined yards. One of many 100+ games for the stand-out RB, and one of his most dominant performances to date. The former Most Outstanding Canadian played with determination and intensity. 


Yards that Kevin Glenn needs for 40,000 in his 14-year illustrious career after throwing 16 0f 37 for 170 tonight. 


Tackles for Solomon Elimimian with two special teams tackles in a stand-out defensive performance.


Kick return yards for Stefan Logan including a 37-yard return in the first quarter, the longest return for the Lions this season.


TD for Courtney Taylor for 20 yards. Ahuge redemption for the slotback  after dropping two passes earleir in the game. 


Consecutive field goals made by Paul McCallum. He’s 20 of his last 22 with three on the night.



Interception by new-Lion Josh Johnson, his first in the CFL. The rookie had a fanstastic game, maintaing coverage on his man and thrwating the Riders when they threatened the endzone. He also kept close in man-on-man and twice forced the Riders to punt.