BCLions.com Staff
The BC Lions will hold their sixth annual Lions Pride Flag Football Tournament on Sunday, May 3 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm at the team’s practice facility in Surrey.
The tournament is held each year with Coast Capital Savings and the Victim Services and Crime Prevention Division of the Ministry of Public Safety and caps the season-long Lions Pride school tour.
Designed for young people in grades 8 through 12, Lions Pride is an outreach program highlighting the importance of making positive life decisions and avoiding gang involvement. Along with numerous school visits around British Columbia in the past several months and practices throughout April, the program culminates with Sunday’s four-team tournament.
“In recent weeks, we have witnessed a significant increase in gang-related crime in our respective communities and the tragedy it brings to the families of those involved,” said Lions director of community relations, Jamie Taras. “Lions Pride specifically targets youth at risk in these critical times and encourages them to turn their back on gang involvement and focus on positive life choices.”
Since the program’s inception in 2011, more than 80,000 students have been involved in Lions Pride presentations or participated in the annual tournament. Many have continued to pursue football with organizations such as North Surrey Minor Football, while others have dedicated their time and energy to counselling fellow young people as part of the City of Surrey’s Wrap Program.
One former participant of the Lions Pride program took his passion for football to the next level and enrolled at Simon Fraser University where he played for the Clan in addition to pursuing his post-secondary studies.
“We know Lions Pride has changed the lives of thousands of young British Columbians, but we recognize more must be done to build safe and healthy communities,” added Taras.
BC Lions players Solomon Elimimian, Emmanuel Arceneaux, Rolly Lumbala, Jovan Olafioye, Ronnie Yell, Josh Johnson, Matt McGarva, Kirby Fabien, Casey Chin, Cody Husband, T-Dre Player and Andre Ramsey will be in attendance as guest coaches.
Join the ROAR this season! Season tickets for 2015 are on sale now as are flex-packs and 3-game packages with single game tickets going on sale Monday, June 1. BC Lions season ticket holders enjoy savings up to 28% on the price of single game tickets.
Click here for the 2015 schedule.